What is Life ?

Usman Yaqub
3 min readMay 29, 2020

Life is a complete mystery at times. Different people have different opinions about it and surprisingly, all are true. From childhood to adulthood to old age, it changes many faces. Things we consider impossible to live without turns out to be utterly irrelevant. Relations we are born with and make up overtime in life sometimes became meaningless. Human perception changes over time and the value of things we own changes with it.

It is said, “Life has a tendency to prove us wrong at any time”. We may think that our current state is perfect in the best possible way and things can not go wrong in any way and suddenly boom, the unexpected happens. We lose people we never thought would leave us, confront situations we believed impossible, undertake acts that never crossed our thoughts. We act, react, evaluate and change through both mental and physical growth. Some say life is the quest to find happiness, so I ask myself is it possible to be happy in ever changing rough terrain that is forever decorated with mysterious thorns and flowers ?

Most people don’t have an answer for it, I mean some might say life is meant to do good, help others and more, which does sounds wonderful and impressive and what everyone wants to hear; However it sounds like a far cry to me. The unrealistic answer, mere words while our actions speaks otherwise. Truth (or should I say my understanding until this point) is that most people don’t know what gift they have, what power they posses and what change they can cause for better or for worse. Most people are born, do what they see others doing around them, spend there years doing it until they die.

Everyone gets the chance to look inside, to ponder, to think about him/her self and about everyone and everything around in a universal way; but these are mere moments and they are over before we know it. If only we were more consistent and persistent. One can find the answer in religion or psychology, or sociology or anthropology, but the thing is most people don’t really try. Not focused enough or daring enough to ask why and for what ? Then again, these are mere thoughts of an idle mind, staying home (occasionally) doing nothing at all in corona virus lockdown for the past 3+ months. There are moments that really clicks and take us on the journey of self discovery, starting or rather concluding to the most important question of them all, what is life ?



Usman Yaqub

A marketing profession individual on the path to learning and development. Occasional writer who likes to express his thoughts in attempt to unburden & learn.